Nutrition and Recovery

Monday 17 January 2022 Once an injury occurs, most people generally know what to do, and have heard of R.I.C.E. (Rest. Ice. Compression, and Elevation). Rest from any aggravating activities, put an Ice Pack on the injured area, whack a compressive bandage on it, (to minimise swelling), and lay on the lounge with the injured

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The Injury Recovery Process

We have a very unique way of looking at pain and injuries. We’ve developed a simplified process that enables us to use the same system of recovery that’s applicable across all injuries.  This system follows a very specific timeline in tune with the body’s own natural healing mechanism and recovery. We know the various steps

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Heel Pain Part 3 – Pain in the Achilles Tendon – A Practical Self Help Guide

Achilles Tendon pain is obviously best avoided if possible – for more info, see our previous blog post on Running Injury Avoidance here. There are many benefits in seeking the diagnosis, treatment, and advice of a Physio, however, for those of you who want to have a go at alleviating symptoms of Achilles Tendinopathy yourself

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Heel Pain

Taking up running, returning after a lay off, or suddenly increasing the intensity of your training, puts you at risk from suffering a number of injuries. Heel pain falls into that category, and is a very common symptom felt by runners, and walkers. It can even be triggered by prolonged standing or come on with

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Running Injury Avoidance

Running is a great way to exercise, especially during Lockdown! Change into your running gear, do a couple of stretches and head straight out the front door. If you aim to run around 5km, you’ll be back in 30 – 40 mins. A quick, easy way to exercise perfectly suited to the busy, time poor

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